Heavenly Divine Doctor: Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 271 - Marry Yaoyao Away (1)

Old Madam Lu chuckled, gazing at the sweet and adorable little girl leaning on her. Somewhere along the way she’d admitted to herself that no matter how impetuous and insecure Shuang’er was, her apprehensions about this pretty one were all justified. Indeed, she was such a good girl that if she were to really marry the emperor, the wang fei would certainly lose her position in the harem. The charm and elegance this girl exuded were unparalleled, she was a sublime blend of intelligence and innocence. Little wonder that her eldest granddaughter had been perpetually on tenterhooks, wanting to nip the threat forever by way of settling her marriage at the earliest.

“Yaoyao, don’t resent your eldest sister. It took her a lot of effort to become Wang Fei. It is right for her to be careful, she just doesn’t know you well.”

When all was said and done, Old Madam Lu was first the matriarch of the Lu Family. Her foremost responsibility was harmony among the members, the last thing she wished for was for the two sisters to end up foes. Since she couldn’t breathe sense into the one in the imperial palace, she could only placate the sensible one at home.

“Grandmother, how did Eldest Sister meet His Majesty? I heard she had been following His Majesty in his campaign all over the place since a long time ago,” Ye Zhen asked as if she were really curious.

Old Madam Lu carefully went over her memory. “I remember when your eldest uncle was here, he loved Shuang’er very dearly, even handed over the family business to her. One time, when His Majesty was still Qin Wang, he was ambushed in the frontline. The previous emperor was deluded by treacherous officials and didn’t send reinforcement to the frontline, even the supply was intercepted mid-way. She followed Lingzhi’s order, pretended to be a merchant, and delivered the supply, which saved Qin Wang. From then on, she followed your eldest brother in the frontline.”

Ye Zhen bit her lips, silently listening to the old woman as she continued. “You should have heard, Qin Wang once had a Wang Fei, but Qin Wang Fei wasn’t a simple woman. She was aware that Shuang’er was at the frontlines, so she sent people to kill her. Fortunately, Qin Wang was there and saved her, otherwise ... Aye, I’ve never personally met that Ye Shi, but only heard that she was extremely beautiful, yet didn’t win His Majesty’s favor. I suppose that suggests some of her qualities.”

Ye Zhen almost jumped at those words. When did she send people to kill Lu Wushuang, she didn’t even know who Lu Wushuang was!

“However, Qin Wang Fei is no more. Rumors said that she burnt herself to death, another pitiful soul.” Old Madam Lu sighed. “If she were still alive, I’m afraid Shuang’er would never have had a chance to become Wang Fei.”

Lu Wushuang definitely has her way. With Lu Lingzhi’s help, she can definitely get that position. Ye Zhen sneered.

Pathetic as it was that she had ended up the stupidest of all, not only was she blames for things she didn’t do but had also to lose her life for no good reason. She’d burnt herself to death?! Now all I want is to burn that b*tch to death!

“Grandmother, then Eldest Sister has finally received the rewards after all her sufferings,” Ye Zhen said unwillingly.

“Aye, I used to think so, but now I don’t. Your eldest sister started at a high position, so she’s used to being the only wang fei in the imperial harem. Now that there are other concubines in the harem, how would she be reconciled to that? I met Xian Fei today, neither her appearance nor manners lose to your sister. I’m only worried that your eldest sister would do something silly and jeopardize the entire family, even your eldest brother.”

Ye Zhen smiled. “Grandmother, don’t worry too much. It’s because everything went too smoothly for Wang Fei after she entered the harem and she didn’t encounter any frustration. Now that there are Xian Fei and other noble ladies in the harem, once Wang Fei has a sense of crisis, she would tone it down. People always turn wiser in crisis.”

“Who taught you that?” Old Madam Lu was amused, even so, she thought those words made some sense.

“I heard it from somewhere.” Ye Zhen said, “Grandmother, Wang Fei is a smart woman, soon she would realize how to survive longer in the harem and keep the emperor’s favor.” Although those were her words, her heart hoped for the exact opposite. How she wished that woman would falter miserably.

Old Madam Lu sighed. “I wish your sister were half as sensible as you are.”


Ye Zhen hurriedly flourished her hands. “Grandmother, I can’t compare with Eldest Sister. I would never have a fortune like hers. All I want to be is an imperial physician in the future.” She took the opportunity to reiterate her interests and aspirations while at the same time reassure the old woman that she was not a ‘threat’. She had to win her over completely, and seeing how she was already leaning towards her, she wanted to only strengthen it further.

The old matriarch smiled. “Everyone has their own fate, who would say being an imperial physician is worse?” In her eyes, Lu Yaoyao was destined to have a bright future, what remained to be seen was the course.

“Grandmother, please lie down and rest. In just a few days Eldest Sister would realize that I am no threat to her.” Ye Zhen comforted. She didn’t want to alert her enemy, she had to lay low until she was ready. This could count as the second step towards it, the first being casting that ‘disenchantment spell’ on the emperor.

Old Madam Lu nodded and sincerely said, “I hope so.”

On this side, the grandmother and the granddaughter had finished a peaceful conversation. On the other, the argument seemed to see no end.

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