The Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Chapter 641 - Desperate Choice

Chapter 641: Desperate Choice

We had never underestimated the strength of the demon wave. However, we had indeed underestimated the demon wave’s sense of presence.

The Moonwheel Capital was originally well known to be a beautiful white moon city, holy and pure. But now, it was nothing more than rubble and debris. The dangerous magical forest around it which had been filled with countless secrets was also nothing more than desolate wasteland now.

The Moonwheel Capital originally had five layers of city walls, but only the final two layers remained. Not only were the commoners fighting for their lives, even Empress Afina and her closest retainers, together with the elven palace maids, were all fighting on the frontlines.

In between the shattered walls, red blood trails could be seen everywhere. The entire land had been painted red with blood. However, there wasn’t even a single scrap of flesh to be found anywhere, as the demons had long since devoured all flesh outside.

Outside the elves’ final sanctuary, nothing could be seen apart from various demons and demonic beasts of all colors and types.

The demon wave devoured everything before it under the will of the Chaos Abyss. Perhaps these demons and demonic beasts would all turn to destroy each other after the first demon wave’s conclusion, but before then, they would be an unstoppable, allied tidal wave.

We had arrived together with a sudden snowfall. Snowflakes began fluttering down upon this scene… Although it was indeed scenic, the powerful ice element wavelengths were the equivalent of activating a super mega AOE taunt ability. All attention instantly focused on us.

What would it feel like to be stared at by a hundred people? How about a thousand people? What about being stared at by tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of demons filled with killing intent towards you?

For a single moment, the entire world fell silent, but the next instant, everything came alive again. All demons unhesitatingly stopped attacking the Moonwheel Capital’s final two walls that they had completely surrounded, and started charging towards us.

It was as if the skies were filled with insects, while an infinite number of ants covered the ground. It would definitely give anyone with trypophobia a seizure. When thinking about how every “insect” was actually a powerful demon capable of berserk self-destruction, that would be even more horrifying.

In fact, the demons on the ground began climbing on top of each other, creating a living ladder to reach and attack us.

Right after that, a loud angry roar shook the skies.

“Anslo, if you don’t want the entire moon elf species to die here, stop these demons right here and now!”

Indeed, my preparations for Elisa in the Chaos Abyss was to have her meet Anslo and make him block Donatis and the demon wave for us. Anslo would have to act as our meat shield… er, I meant he’d have to personally save the moon elves!

While it was indeed difficult for a Main God to descend to the mortal plane, it was now the time of the demon wave. All dimensional restrictions had been removed here. I highly doubted that anything on the Chaos Abyss end could prevent a Chaos Main God from coming here.

All I did was have Elisa bring a message to Anslo and point the way.

All Main God level existences would be beyond common sense. Even if all the Elven Gods perished and the entire Moonwheel Capital was destroyed along with all the moon elves, I was still unsure if that would cause Anslo to perish. However, just his actions in joining the Chaos Abyss for the sake of preserving at least one elf species in this Holy War indicated to me that he absolutely would be unable to simply watch elves die.

Was this a trap I set for Anslo? Indeed, it was. Not even a Main God level existence would possibly do well against the despair-inducing demon wave and Donatis who was now at the peak of his strength.

While defeating a Main God was still possible, killing a Main God would be almost impossible. Only in combat situations such as this one where no retreat would possibly be allowed would there be the possibility of killing a Main God.

“Anslo, come out here! Your people are waiting for you to save them! You had the guts to rebel against the Gold Elves, but you don’t even have the guts to watch this directly, divine ruler of all Elven Gods? So many of the Elven Gods under you have already died, and now your final believers are in the most hopeless crisis possible. Do you dare to still hide like a coward!?”

A vicious voice echoed throughout the entire world. Harloys revealed a delighted smile, for the name ranked #1 on her list of revenge targets was naturally the main mastermind behind the annihilation of all Gold Elves: Elven Main God Anslo.

I had promised her before that I would help her kill Anslo. Now, I was living up to my promise.

This was both revenge for past history as well as expectations for the future… Anslo had ruled the elves from above the clouds for far too long. If Anslo didn’t die, not only would the Northlands elves be uneasy in their new Elven Empire, it was definite that Anslo would come attacking us after the Holy War ended. Becoming the mortal enemy of a Main God would spell endless trouble.

Besides, Karwenz had also targeted Anslo. Anslo was my personal enemy as well.

“Since the elves need to be saved, then Anslo must die.”

Was this a scheme? Of course it was. But, when considering how all our vicious intentions were quite obvious, and we were openly inviting him here, this was more like an open scheme… no, a deal.

Even if the moon elves were destined to all die here, Anslo might still be powerful enough not to die. However, I was now giving him a chance to save the moon elves, but he would have to risk his life and fight against a powerful enemy. What would he choose?

Was this a chance to save the moon elves? Indeed, it was. As long as Anslo stopped Donatis and gave me enough time to complete my Ice Aeon incantation, even if Main God level existences could defend against my forbidden spell attack, the more troublesome demon war slaves would definitely be completely annihilated. That would open up a path to survival.

However, facing off against the elite Demon Lord vanguards, a furious Chaos War God, and endless amount of demon war slave cannon fodder, blocking them from their desires… Just what were the odds that the already injured Anslo would be able to survive this? Also, my forbidden spell would be an indiscriminate AOE attack. While Ice Aeon was perhaps incapable of slaying a Main God by itself, it was more than possible that it could strike a fatal blow to an already injured Main God.

And even if Anslo was lucky enough to survive this battle… he had already betrayed the Order Faction, and fighting Donatis here would mean that he had also betrayed the Chaos Faction right as the Holy War began. Although Eich was large, there would be nowhere that he could go anymore after betraying both major factions.

The choice between life and death was right before Anslo. If it was you, what would you choose? Oh, venerated Elven Main God Anslo, protector and guardian of all elves, the most glorious lord of them all! The destroyer of the previous Elven Empire!

“Please save us, dear God of all elves.”

“Save us, our venerated and grand God of all elves.”

The sound of prayer could be heard coming from the Moonwheel Capital’s final defense lines. My spies as well as truly despairing elves all simultaneously uttered the divine name of the Elven Main God. They prayed that he would appear to defend them from this despairing crisis.

The moon elf higher-ups had rather ugly expressions right now. The moon elves’ priests and other holy job class members even started using dirty language in anger. With the current situation, those who knew far more than the ordinary elves naturally realized that this was a trap specifically targeting Main God Anslo.


Even many priests kneeled as they devoutly prayed for the descent of Elven Main God Anslo. This was because the Moonwheel Capital was the final main location of all the remaining Elven Gods’ source of belief. If everyone here was lost, all of the Elven Gods would definitely perish.

“For the sake of elven belief and culture, so that they may spread in the future, please save us…”

Actually, this sentence would be much easier to understand if I translated the literal meaning: “Oh Elven Main God, please die so that we may live.”

“Save us, we still have a future!” -> “Anslo, please die.”

“Elven glory must continue onward! Our people can’t die here!” -> “Anslo, please die.”

“Glorious God of all elves, we believe that you’ll definitely be able to destroy the demon wave here.” -> “Please hurry up and go die.”

Obviously, Anslo would be able to hear all these prayers. The vicious curses contained within those seemingly devout prayers would truly be a toxic venom to him.

“Mortals want to live, so they want their God to die… what a moving scene that brings warm tears to my eyes.”

Unfortunately, I was currently completely unable to move, and could only share my delight with Harloys through our soul connection. Meanwhile, I could sense that she was excited almost to the point of hysteria.

“Yay! Die, die, die, die…”

Alright, maybe insanity would be a more accurate term than hysteria here. However, Harloys had pursued her revenge against those who’d exterminated her entire species for more than ten thousand years now. She was finally having her best opportunity to vent with one of the main culprits.

What would Anslo do? What would he choose? Was he truly a saint? Or was he only pretending to be magnanimous to his own? Regardless, it was all meaningless as he was finished.

If he appeared here, he would die. The Elven Gods Faction had already been broken. The other Main Gods would never let go of such a juicy opportunity or let Anslo safely survive the rest of the Holy War. The entire Elven Gods Faction was finished.

If Anslo didn’t arrive, then I would unhesitatingly jump into my personal Hell world and have my almost completed forbidden spell explode there instead. I would then turn around and run from this place as quickly as I could. As for what happened to the moon elves, whom I had a grudge against anyways? Who cared?

If Anslo didn’t come here, then we would all definitely die here if we tried to stay. I naturally needed to focus on our own safety first and foremost. This would be an easy excuse for me to give the Northlands elves. “Oh, I’m sorry, but I really did try my best already.”

Additionally, if all the Elven Gods under Anslo died, and he still didn’t appear even as his believers died… He would then be destined to die afterwards regardless of whether he was still fine or not, because not a single elf would worship such a Guardian God afterwards. Since Anslo had the Divine Concept of Guardian God of All Elves, perhaps he would even meet a fate worse than death.

Perhaps the elves might still be able to survive, but the Elven Gods Faction was destined to die here.

“Anslo, you’re at a dead end no matter which path you take! What will you choose? What can you even choose!”

Meanwhile, the gigantic figure who appeared in the sky, with that silent and incredibly fatigued divine expression of his, seemed to indicate his answer.

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